Hydrants and fire-water supply equipment can be found in almost every building nowadays. To perform their function properly, they must be checked periodically. This obligation is also imposed on the owners of the buildings by law, as they are an indivisible part of the fire safety equipment of the building in accordance with Section 7 and other related paragraphs of the Ordinance of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic No. 246/2001 Coll. and subsequent amendments. Inspections are done to the extent and in the manner established by the legal regulations, standards-related requirements and the original documentation of the manufacturer, at least once a year, if not stated differently.
Hydrant and fire-water supply equipment inspections are important due to:
- preventing damage to human and animal health, ensuring safe evacuations,
- loss prevention due to the spread of fire and smoke on the property of the building concerned and surrounding buildings endangered by the fire,
- prevention of penalties during preventive checks of the FD,
- enabling effective and safe intervention of the FD,
- application of insurance claims based on valid operational checks.
Types of fire-water supply equipment:
- Non-watered fire pipeline (dry pipes)
- Outdoor supply points
- surface fire hydrants
- underground fire hydrants
- Indoor supply points
- hydrants systems
- hose reels
- Fire tanks
Types of inspections of fire-water supply equipment:
- Periodic annual check
- valid for all types, carried out at least once a year
- Periodic check
- valid for hoses of type D of internal supply points, carried out at least once every 5 years (pressure testing)
- valid for not-watered fire pipelines (dry pipes), carried out at least once every 5 years (pressure testing)
The operational status of the fire-water equipment can be verified on an ID tag located on the body/cabinet of the equipment. The ID tag contains the necessary information about the performed and as well as the next inspection.
In addition to the inspection of all types of fire water supply equipment, we provide other related services – service and rental of spare fire extinguishers for the necessary period of time. Specifically, in the event of a need for periodic testing or the discovery of malfunctioning equipment or its parts, malfunctioning supply valves, leaking media from tight joints, worn hoses, or a damaged cabinet, we will provide service. Replacement of the original parts is a matter of course.